Snorkel set adults

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Right here on this page you'll find Denmark's best selection of snorkelling sets for adults of the highest quality. We can cover every need you have for your snorkelling set, with or without swim fins. The most important thing for u...
Snorkel set adults
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Snorkel set adults

Right here on this page you'll find Denmark's best selection of snorkelling sets for adults of the highest quality. We can cover every need you have for your snorkelling set, with or without swim fins. The most important thing for us is that your diving mask and snorkel fit perfectly together, so you won't be annoyed by a poor fit.

That's why you'll also be able to find an adult snorkelling set that suits your level, whether you're a beginner or an experienced snorkeller. Whatever your snorkelling skills, you can be sure that our quality products will give you the comfort you need to enjoy the amazing world of snorkelling. In Denmark as well as abroad.

Which snorkelling set for adults should you choose?

There are different parameters by which you can measure an adult snorkelling set, and many of them are quite individual. For some, the most important part is the snorkel itself, while for others it's more important that the diving mask is top quality. It's also a matter of personal preference whether you need flippers or would rather not have them at all.

It all depends on where your focus is and what you think will give you the best snorkelling experience. That's why we're going to go through the different parts that come with an adult snorkelling kit and what you need to consider before you buy.

Which snorkel is right for you?

There are many different snorkelling sets that adults can benefit from, but to find the right one, it's important to be clear about what needs it should fulfil.

If you're a skilled snorkeller who is always looking to get out and lie on the surface, we would definitely recommend choosing a more advanced snorkelling kit, even if it's expensive. The first reason is simply that it's more durable, while the other reasons are more about the different features.

One argument is that a snorkel becomes more than just a plastic tube to breathe through. They come with either semi-dry or full-dry valves at the top, which minimises the amount of water you can risk getting into the snorkel. A full-dry will even allow you to dive underwater without water entering the tube.

If water does get in, some of them will also have a bottom valve where you can easily let the water out. However, these different features require some snorkelling experience to use them properly.

Therefore, if you're snorkelling for fun or when you're on holiday, you don't need an advanced snorkel at all. In this case, you'll be able to make do with the simpler ones that do what they're supposed to without too many frills.

Also, make sure that the mouthpiece is made of a material that won't cause jaw or mouth fatigue after prolonged use. A poor mouthpiece will require more effort to hold properly in your mouth, which will eventually cause so much discomfort that you will find it difficult to continue snorkelling. That's why our diving sets only have snorkels that can ergonomically adapt to most people's mouths..

Hvad skal din dykkermaske kunne?

Fælles for alle dykkermasker i de forskellige snorkelsæt er, at de kommer med næse. Det kan måske virke som en selvfølge, men har man først prøvet at snorkle uden og flere gange fået vand op i næsen... Ja, så finder man hurtigt ud af, hvor vigtig lige den del er for resten af oplevelsen.

Når det så er sagt, skal man overveje, hvordan man gerne vil opleve verden under vandoverfladen. Nogen dykkermasker har en bred synsvinkel med et højt lysindfald, som f.eks. ses ved dykkermasker fra Aqua Lung. Det giver mulighed for at se mere under vandet, både i form af panorama, men også fordi der kommer meget lys ind i brillen.

Er man mere til en dykkermaske, der har en mere snæver synsvinkel, vil det være oplagt at vælge en fra f.eks. Aqua Sphere. Fordelen med den snævre synsvinkel er, at man nemmere kan fokusere på én ting eller ét bestemt område ad gangen uden forstyrrende elementer i periferien.

Den ene type er ikke dårligere end den anden. Det handler udelukkende om, hvad du har af krav til dit snorkelsæt til voksne.

Med eller uden svømmefødder?

Her har vi den helt store forskel på dykkersæt og snorkelsæt til voksne. Et par gode svømmefødder er uundværlige i et dykkersæt, da man ofte med det svømmer under vandet i længere tid ad gangen. Det behøver man nødvendigvis ikke, når man snorkler, da ideen her er, at man befinder sig mere i vandoverfladen end under den.

Derfor er svømmefødder i snorkelsæt mere beregnet til at skabe stabilitet og øge fremdrift i vandoverfladen. De har derfor mere den funktion, at man bruger lange og rolige spark, så man stille og roligt bevæger sig igennem vandet. Det gør, at du ikke bliver træt i benene, og at du dermed kan snorkle i længere tid.

Nu er det jo så trods alt ikke en lov, at snorkling kun skal foregå i vandoverfladen. Mange der dyrker snorkling dykker ned under vandoverfladen, når de ser noget spændende, de gerne vil undersøge nærmere. Og her fungerer svømmefødderne i et snorkelsæt til voksne ligeså godt, som dem i et dykkersæt. Du skal bare gøre op med dig selv, om du helst vil have dit snorkelsæt med eller uden svømmefødder.

Combine your snorkelling set for adults with other equipment

There is a lot of equipment you can use with your snorkelling set. Some are for safety, others are for added comfort when snorkelling.

The first thing to consider is a snorkelling vest. It makes you visible in the water, while also allowing you to inflate it with air to act as a buoyancy aid. Both are important to avoid accidents or to help you in the event of an accident.

Since your eyes are mostly on the bottom, it's hard to orientate yourself around what's moving on top of the water. This can lead to some really nasty accidents if you are overlooked by motorboats, paddleboarders or kayakers. That's why it's important to make yourself visible in the water, for example with a snorkelling vest and/or a swim cap in a bright colour.

An additional benefit of the snorkelling vest we have is that you can clip a swim buoy to it, which acts as both a bag to carry things in and makes you more visible.

As you use your diving mask more and more, it will eventually start to fog up. This problem can be easily solved by using an anti-fog spray, and it's pretty easy to do.

If you choose an adult snorkelling set without swim fins, you could benefit from a pair of swim shoes instead. Especially if you're diving to the bottom where there are sharp rocks and shells, or if you're snorkelling in rocky or coral areas - where the most exciting wildlife is often found. It can suddenly become a long way to shore if you get a cut on your foot

Buy your snorkelling set for adults here at

We believe we have the best selection of snorkelling sets in Denmark that adults of all ages will enjoy. So take a look around the site and see for yourself. If you need advice and guidance or have any questions, our skilled customer service is ready to help you, so that together you can get the right outfit for your next snorkelling trip.

And of course, when you shop with us, you get a number of benefits:

  • Free shipping on orders over 79€
  • 3-5 days delivery
  • Our customer service is ready all weekdays from 8 AM to 10 PM.
So there's no excuse not to start snorkelling, and why not buy a set for the whole family so you can share the underwater experiences together? Of course, we also have snorkelling sets for kids.

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